One Year to the Date, a Point of Light Disappeared

It’s been exactly 365 days since I witnessed a Point of Light disappeared. I knew that it would happened but not knowing when.

Still I feel the impact despite of assurance from friendly voices that it will subside.

I still can hear the clicking noises from the beads hitting each other.

John Wick on Blu-ray and iTunes


Over the weekend, my friends and I were watching a few movies on Netflix and HBO Now. When they asked what movie to watch next, I suggested “John Wick”. Unfortunately it was not available for streaming on Netflix or HBO Now at that time. I could have rented the movie on iTunes, but I opted to buy the Blu-ray + DVD + Digital HD version on for $8.99 USD.

On to the next movie night.

Record Store Day 2016

I spent most of the daylight on Record Store Day walking around the neiborhood, scouring local record stores for some Record Store Day exclusives. I was hoping to find Iron Maiden’s “Empire of the Cloud” limited edition 12″ vinyl. Unfortunately the local stores in my area had none in stock.

I’m ended up picking up a copy of “Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite, Metallica! – Live at Le Bataclan” CD.

Overall it was a great day out in the neighborhood. 

Dear Snacky…

Snacker "Snacky" T. Cat

Dear Snacky,

It was sixteen years ago when a kitten version of you showed up at the front door. You were to be named “Peanut T. Cat”, but since you like snacks so much you were named “Snacker T. Cat”.

This last few years had been tough for you. Damn the cancer that invaded your body!

You have been a great friend to all of us. You don’t have to hide in a dark place to pass the time.

We all love you.

Shawn King Needs Your Help

GoFundMe Shawn King

I learned from John Gruber that Shawn King, host of Your Mac Life, is needing dental surgery. The really bad news is that the procedure would cost a lot and Shawn can’t afford it. Mac Users like you can Help Shawn.

Go to


Note: I also posted this on that one site I usually contribute to.


Personal Note:

In 2013, I had to go through a lot of dental procedures due to bad fillings, ongoing for 6 months. Even with Dental Insurance, the procedures still cost thousands of dollars out of my own savings account. As a matter of fact I’m still paying for it. I had to postpone non-critical procedures until I can afford to pay for them.

2014: Eleven dot Four

November 4, 2008 – Barack Obama was elected to become the 44th President of The United States.

By the way, Happy 62nd birthday, NSA.


November 4, 2014 is a Mid-Term Election Day

Snacker Voted

Taken with Canon EOS 60D and Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM Lens.

  • ISO: 1600
  • Focal Length: 50mm
  • Aperture: f/5
  • Exposure time: 1/25

Cropped and resized using Acorn 4 for Mac.